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Why we shouldn't eat breakfast after 9am

Why we shouldn’t eat breakfast after 9am

Traditional Chinese medicine has mentioned about the body clock which is considered the secret of Yang Sheng health. The day is divided into 12 hours, where 1 hour is equal to 2 hours. Therefore, Chinese doctors recommend doing your daily routine according to the body

A man you shouldn't waste your time with

A man you shouldn’t waste your time with

Men you shouldn’t waste your time with. When you’re a 29-year-old woman , the end of the rainy season, the beginning of winter, the number 29 is coming to visit you. Are you still wasting your time with men like this? 1. Men who think housework is

5 times it is not recommended to exercise

5 times it is not recommended to exercise

Exercise is an activity that has many benefits for the body. It helps the body to be strong, healthy, and far from illness. However, there are still some times when you should not exercise because it can have negative effects on your health. Times when

What is heart rate zone walking and why is it good for weight loss?

What is heart rate zone walking and why is it good for weight loss?

As you know, walking is an effective form of exercise. If you want to lose weight , burn calories, reduce accumulated fat and are not comfortable exercising in other ways, an important walking technique that will help you lose weight and reduce accumulated fat effectively is the “walking

8 Basic Techniques to Help You Lose Weight Without Dieting

8 Basic Techniques to Help You Lose Weight Without Dieting

If you can choose to lose weight , I believe that many girls would like to choose a method of losing weight that does not require fasting. Because after all, eating is one of the joys of women. Let’s say that for any girls who are planning to lose