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Category Archives: Health

What is heart rate zone walking and why is it good for weight loss?

What is heart rate zone walking and why is it good for weight loss?

As you know, walking is an effective form of exercise. If you want to lose weight , burn calories, reduce accumulated fat and are not comfortable exercising in other ways, an important walking technique that will help you lose weight and reduce accumulated fat effectively is the “walking

8 Basic Techniques to Help You Lose Weight Without Dieting

8 Basic Techniques to Help You Lose Weight Without Dieting

If you can choose to lose weight , I believe that many girls would like to choose a method of losing weight that does not require fasting. Because after all, eating is one of the joys of women. Let’s say that for any girls who are planning to lose

5 dangerous diseases that come with "rain"

5 dangerous diseases that come with “rain”

During heavy rain every day like this Be careful of these rain-borne diseases as well. Prof. Dr. Wasin Laohawinij, resident physician in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, has identified diseases that are often found in the rainy season that

5 sexually transmitted diseases Found as much as AIDS

5 sexually transmitted diseases Found as much as AIDS

sexually transmitted diseases  It’s not just AIDS. In addition, more and more patients are found every year. From the summary of the epidemiological surveillance report for the year 2014 from the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, it was found that The five